Kerry Claire Mary Sheehan-Delany is my name, but photography is my game. I live a fast paced life and absolutely love meeting new people and trying new things. I see the world through my camera lens, but what’s outside that frame is what I think is truly important.
You can find me next to a window at a coffee shop, especially on a rainy day, making new friends with dogs, honestly if I could be a dog, I probably would be an Australian Shepard. I am practically nocturnal so at night, I’m usually at the rink playing ice hockey or editing photos like crazy. 
I wish I could sing, but I cannot sing or dance even if my life depended on it. The only thing I can sing is the alphabet backwards, but we have things in alphabetical order for a reason so I think it's best I stick with typography and graphic design.
I have worked in anything from a traditional agency and an installation art museum to a baseball field. So, I am ready to take on any challenge with grit and grace to add to my collection of experiences. 
Simply put, I am just a girl with a passion and hopefully a lifetime to explore it.
Below is a video made by colleague, Ali Broadbridge, that gives you a taste for who I am.
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